Orientate means to determine its position , direction of movement in relation to the sides of the world , the surrounding buildings landed , their position and the target .
In relation to the gradual and completeness Perform orientation is conditionally divided into :
- geographical
topographic ( usually performed with a topographic map and aims at exploring the surrounding land , and consists of the determination of its fixed points and observational facilities )
- tactical ( in military terms : assessment of its position in relation to its own units , enemies and so on , this kind of orientation is not relevant to this topic and hereafter I will not mention )
Here we will describe the geographical orientation using handy means or orientation when we do not have a dick or a topographic Compass or any technical means that we can help in orientation.
geographical orientation
Geographical orientation consists in determining and showing the north direction on land . Determination of the north direction can be performed using instruments , celestial bodies and phenomena or mark on the land .
Orientation by means of celestial bodies
For this type of orientation, it is necessary to know a few facts :
- In the northern hemisphere , the sun is at noon on the south ,
- Flying is so moved by the time that the sun is in the east at 7 am , in the south in 13 hours to the west in 19 hours ,
- For an hour the sun move it to 15 degrees ,
- Full moon at midnight in the south .
Determination of the north to the star Northerners ( URSA minoris POLARIS )
This star is located over the northern half belongs constellation Little Bear ( small cars) and is seen as the brightest star in the constellation . The star of the northern half is only one level of the easiest is determined by the constellation of the Great Bear (Big wheel ) , which consists of seven stars arranged in a form of a chariot ( 4 points and minerals ) . Northerners are located in a certain direction to two end stars of ( the last point ) at a distance of five times greater than their distance .
Orientation using the Sun
During sunny days using the sun , we can determine the direction of the south and all the other directions of the world.
If we know that at noon the sun southwards then at any time we can determine how it is east or west of south. In the summer time we need to subtract one hour .
If you have a wristwatch , navigation is fairly easy . Set the clock horizontally , so that little hands pointing in the direction of the sun .
Imagine a centerline angle that squints small hands and position number 12 on the clock . This determines where the centerline of the north -south direction .
Sever is left of the sun and the south right . When you specify the two sides of the world , further navigation is easy .
Flying time is moved by one hour , so that instead of taking a small angle between the hands and markings for 12 hours , using the angle between the small hand and 13 o'clock .
If you do not have against the clock with needles but you know what time it is , then the piece of paper , draw a clock and a corresponding position small hands , and is oriented from the drawings .
Orientation using the correct time
Knowing that the sun move it 15 degrees every hour , someone will find it easier to orientate calculating the number of degrees .
The math is simple : calculate how many hours the current time is different than noon and multiply it with the 15th You will be given the number of degrees of how the South shifted relative to the current position of the Sun .
If the time before noon , then south to calculate the number of degrees to the right of the position of the sun , and if the time after noon , then south to calculate the number of degrees left of the Sun .
time (hours : minutes ) difference ( hours )
position in relation to the South
the Sun ( degrees )
the position of the sun relative
on the side of the world
06:00 6 right 90 ° East
07:00 5 right 75 °
8:00 4 60 ° to the right
09:00 3 right 45 ° south
10:00 2 right 30 °
11:00 1 right 15 °
24:00 0 0 ° south
13:00 1 left 15 °
14:00 2 left 30 °
15:00 3 left 45 ° West
16:00 4 left 60 °
17:00 5 left 75 °
18:00 6 left 90 ° west
It is even easier to remember the position of the sun to the sides of the world in a characteristic time : 6 hours in the east, at 9 am in the southeast , in the 12 hours to the south , in the 15 hours to the southwest in the 18 hours to the west .
Again , during the Summer time , all hours should be increased by one .
Orientation using hours and Month
At night, the sun may not be used for orientation because it does not see. However , Sun can help us and at night , because it illuminates the moon . One only needs to remember the rules of the situation characteristic phases of the Moon :
First Quarter
12:00 is located on the east
at 18:00 located in the south
at midnight is located in the west
Full moon
at midnight is located in the south
at 06:00 of the West
at 18:00 of the east
Iast quarter
at 06:00 located in the south
12:00 is located on the west
at midnight is located in the east
There is another interesting way to use the Moon for orientation . Specifically , at any time when you see the moon , and it is not full , you can specify where is south , so that you will imagine a line that connects its two ends and descends to the horizon of the earth. Point where it connects with the southern horizon . This is not quite accurate , but if you do not have any other landmark , it is good to know .
Other ways orientation
Other ways orientations are quite unreliable . Using them can roughly determine the side of the world , but sometimes it can be conditioned by local changes . One way of using the orientation of the wind . The Tempest at Sea blows from the northeast or east ( from land to sea ) . During the day the winds are blowing from the sea to the mainland , and vice versa at night . We can follow some other labels that tell us about which side of the northern so that the sun never shines , so we know it : on the north side of the moss , northern side of the building is wetter and creates the saltpeter in the form of dots , on the northern side of the snow for a longer period , on the northern side of the hill has more vegetation and slower growing , southern side of the hill has more pastures and hayfields bark is rougher the north side , anthills are usually on the south side , the snow is melting fast on the south side , and the like . In addition to characters that are associated with the sun , there are also the following signs : Goose tree rings are on the north side , in Catholic churches, the altar is from the west , and the entrance to the east , while the Orthodox vice versa ; Cross in all of Christian church is approximately in the direction of north south ; Christian graves in the east-west ; minaret at a mosque in the south , and the entrance to the north ; Muslim graves have a monument to the south .
With these methods it should be emphasized that these are approximate orientation mode , but should take into account that they are not accurate .
Another approximate method of orientation is using shadows . Thrust a stick in the ground and bookmark vreh shadows , after 20 minutes bookmark the new top shadow . Two marked places give us a direction from east to west .
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